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Gajang Buddhist Center Canada
Gajang Buddhist Centre resident teachers
There are currently 7 Geshes living in our Toronto and Calgary Centers and helping the community by giving Tibetan language classes, Tibetan buddhist teachings, performing house blessings, prayers for the sick and the dead, etc.
Geshe Gendun ( 2000- present)
Buddhist philosophy and meditation teacher. He is our main teacher.
Geshe Samten (Lama Samten) - 2014 to present
Founder member of Gajang Buddhist Center and Visiting Teacher.
Geshe Tashi Gyaltsen (2016 - present)
Gajang Buddhist Center Administrator (Chanzoed).
Geshe Ngawang Rapten (2016 - present)
Buddhist Philosophy Teacher and Chanting Master
Geshe Lobsang Gyaltsen (2022 - present)
Buddhist Philosophy Teacher & Chanting Master
Geshe Thupten Choepel (2023 - present)
Buddhist Philosophy Teacher
Geshe Lobsang Jangchup (2018 - present)
Chanting Master & Ritual Master
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